Friday, September 21, 2007


I think I should apologize to Angela for everything I've said. Until now I thought she really was just pushing my buttons, which of course she knows how to do very well. But it's QUITE obvious that she's not JUST doing that. It's plan as day that there really is some sort of problem mentally with her. And that is another story altogether. Mental illness is not funny and it's not worth getting angry with someone who's suffering from it. Therefore, I am deeply sorry for anything I've said to hurt you. Had I known then that you were mentally disturbed I would have tried to help you and not flame you every chance I got. I'm very sad to see the significant changes I've seen in you the last few months in this light. I definitely hope you get the help you need to overcome this problem and I hope it's sooner, rather than later that you realize you NEED help so that you can get back to normal.

I really am sorry for anything I've said. I was angry and now I know the reason behind your behaviour is beyond your ability to control. Please, seek help, these actions only prove to me you are sick and need to be made well again. You are too wonderful a person to let this illness destroy your life, your family and your friends.

I will say no more except I wish you all the best and hope that you get the help you need. Good luck.

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