Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Politics of America

I've really tried to do my best to stay out of American politics. Mainly because I get really irritated at the fact that no matter how much the candidates talk, they really don't SAY anything. Listen to them, sure Obama says he'll introduce 'change', or be a motivator of 'change'. But what does that REALLY mean? If you look deep enough, he doesn't know. The Democratic party doesn't really know. It's all just WORDS without a hint of PLANS because he thinks most Americans are fed up with the status quo and want something different.

Maybe that's true, but without some sort of concrete ideas, or thoughts about WHAT he wants done, I'm not buying it. Different isn't always better. To me, the Democrats are virtually open Socialists. Let's let the government take over health care. Let's provide money to live on for people who won't get a freaking job, but are quite capable of doing so. Don't mistake me for downplaying the economy, but even in the best economy you have people who simply WON'T work and expect the government to support their sorry asses. The Dems want to keep feeding them, and I want my tax dollars to go somewhere that will actually make sense and will do someone some good.

This is why, more than anything else, I'm voting Republican. And why McCain is a better man, than Obama. The Dems have never had ANY ideas of their own, they just say the exact opposite of the Republicans and call it a platform. Sorry, but that doesn't work for me. And it shouldn't work for a majority of Americans who stop to THINK about things.

End of discussion.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The sadness that is America.

I want to take a couple of minutes and berate a few pathetic government officials who a) think they know more about technology than us geeks do, and b) who think they know more about education than the teachers themselves do.

Let me start with that giant moron, the Attorney General of New York Andrew Cuomo. I saw an interview on one of the news channels last night and I must say, he HAS to be the most ignorant human being on the planet. Does he really think the telcos can a) block ALL child porn? and b) not block legitimate websites/data at the same time. He's currently my front runner to 'Delusional Man of the Year'. Mr. Cuomo, I say to you, IT WILL NEVER WORK. No matter how hard you try. No matter how much money Verizon, et al invests in filtering technology, the distributed nature of the internet and the cleverness of people will render it moot. Not to mention your pushing the boundaries of constitutionality by trying it. Your methods border on extortion and I"m amazed the big telcos didn't smack you for pulling this.

Believe me, I am not advocating child porn. I have 4 kids of my own, so there's no way I would want that. I'm only going over the truth of the matter. That it's impossible to stop with filters. It won't work. Those of you who are naysayers, try it yourself. Setup CyberNanny or some such and see what you can and cannot get to online. IT DOES NOT WORK. I beg of you Mr. Cuomo, get your head out of your ass. Anyone with any tech savvy will tell you it won't work. Listen to them instead of promoting yourself. Idiot.

Now on to the Educational system, specifically in America, but something I read yesterday from Australia is rather telling how the 1st World is coming to a screeching halt in every way culturally. There's a report coming from Australia that says one of the biggest school systems in that country are looking to DROP ENGLISH as a subject because 'it's too hard' and the kid aren't 'intellectually able to handle it'.


Un-fucking-believable. I'm astonished. Really. If English is too hard for those prats, what about Calculus? Or Chemistry? They'll be next.

I also read a report from the UK that said one of the top Governmental Education Ministers is wanting to drop the 'middle class mandated curriculum' and start teaching 'civic duty' classes. You know, all those good things that will help you pay your bills and stuff. He says the current curriculum is all about making money and that is just plain wrong. What is this world coming to? I mean seriously.

Have we all lost our senses? I know a lot of teachers. Was married to one. They know what they are doing, now let them do it. Stop putting these nutters who haven't seen the inside of a classroom for 30 years in charge of curriculum, and testing. The tests don't work. The curriculum is TOO EASY, and this current generation of students need to suck it up and realize LIFE IS A BITCH. The workplace is a nasty cage match and if you aren't prepared mentally, intellectually and emotionally, you'll never make it.

I should start writing a book, like Gibbon, called The Decline and Fall of the American Empire. Because it will need to be written, sadly sooner rather than later.

Friday, June 06, 2008

64 years ago today.

On this day 64 years ago, the most important event of the 20th Century happened. Tens of thousands of American, Canadian and British men put aside their dreams of the future for themselves and took on the task of securing the Greater Good. I really can't say enough on how important a day that was for the planet and for America in particular. It was one of the last times, we, as a collective organism, stood up and showed what this country is really capable of accomplishing.

Tens of thousands of men DIED so that Adolf Hitler and his psychotic dreams would be snuffed out and freedom would reign for Europe and indeed, the world. The United States fought on TWO fronts and supplied, at it's height, enough supplies to equip 2200 full Divisions. We, as a people, supplied England, Canada and Soviet Russia with the equipment necessary to continue the battle against that megalomaniacal madman.

And what does America think of it now? There's not so much as a mention of it on CNN's home page. (As of 9am EST) Not a whisper. My grandfather AND father-in-law fought in that war. Countless others DIED in that war, and in the Invasion itself. And no one seems to give a rats ass about it. Are we THAT shortsighted? When kids these days think the 90s were a hundred years ago (oh it's SO quaint) then i guess we are.

This is why this country is doomed. And why this planet is destined to die a fiery, ignorant death. Sad really.

I salute all those that sacrificed their lives (and all other too) for allowing me the freedom to express myself. The rest of the country may not care, but your memory will live on in me and my children.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Reductio ad absurdam

That's my life now. Moot. Pointless. Without any sort of useful contribution to society, other than my DNA to my kids. More to the point, it's not even my fault. I pour my heart and soul into a family, a marriage, and what do I get? Stabbed in the back like Caesar. Betrayed by friends and confidants who don't have the bloody nerve to face me with their problems. So, where does that leave me? Back to where I was 20 odd years ago. Single. So, the point of all that time I invested? There isn't one. Sad, really, that life is such a waste for 99% of people. Even sadder is the fact that none of those 99% even realize it. They are just too busy ignoring it to want to face it.

Ah goes on. Long after it's sell-by date has passed.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Yep, it's been a while....

It sure has been a while since my last post. Not that anyone cares, since there are so many of these blasted things, I'm just another tiny ripple in the sea. No problem there. This is really only for my benefit anyway. Everyone else can sod off.

You know, I'm constantly amazed at the self-serving, egotistical people in America these days. I mean when someone you love can just stab you in the back without blinking, THAT'S fucked up. I'm continually amused by the way people only think for themselves. Even ones who decide to have children are only out for themselves. They don't think of anyone else. And THAT'S why this country of our is fucked. Period. There is no self-sacrifice anymore. There is no long-term view of things. In America, if you can't get it yesterday, then you aren't keeping up. If we got in a major war, I really believe we'd lose. Badly. Had WW2 started now, we'd have never beaten the Japanese. Much less Nazi Germany. We'd be too busy protesting, or evading our responsibility to protect freedom in this world.

Hell, we're doing our best to give up that freedom that was so hard won all those years ago. We'd much prefer for the government to do everything for us. Take care of us. Universal healthcare, bailing the stupid people out of those McMansions they bought but could never afford. No more personal responsibility here.

I mean, when someone you've known for 15 years and who you've trusted and cared about that long lies to you, hides the truth from you, that's really pathetic. When you're married to that person, it's even worse. It's no longer about the US, be it a marriage, partnership or nationalism, or otherwise, it's about ME. It doesn't matter who stands in your way, what laws you might be breaking, what social norms you might be violating, if it is what you WANT, you'll kill your own mother to get it nowadays. It really does make me wonder why bother? Is this truly the Age of Reason? The information age? Has the human race grown so little in the last thousand years? Boy, what a pathetic creature we are.