Thursday, January 29, 2009

It's the same old shit, different administration

I know it seems like this has become a political blog only, but I feel very strongly about pointing out the total fallacy of the Obama administration. I intend on proving that his presidency will be like all the rest, same old shit, different day. Take this for example. In is campaign Obama declared against lobbyists and lobbying as an evil in our government. He's right, but that didn't stop him from lying about not hiring lobbyists for his administration. He's even requested exemption from HIS OWN FUCKING RULE to allow the appointment.

Does anyone see CHANGE in this? No. It's the same story as every other administration since Teddy Roosevelt. Obama is nothing but a well spoken conman who lied cheated and stole to get to be president. He said the right things at the right time, but will that be good for America?


His stimulus plan will fail, just like Bush's failed. Instead of spending MORE of our money for us, how about not taking so fucking much out of our pockets instead? But no, the Feds know what's best for us stupid Americans. They much prefer filtering it through THEIR wallets first then give us back what's left over. Which, in this day and age, is virtually nothing.

I'm sick to death of this goverment ripping me off. I"m sick of MY money being handed to greedy CEOs who destroyed the companies they were supposed to improve only to have the money go into their pockets as 'bonuses'. How can the government sit there and do nothing? Simple, those same companies bribed our officials to do just that.

It's disgusting. It's a joke. And it needs to stop. When will all of us intelligent people rise up and smite those fuckers in Washington? It'll only take one nuke on DC when congress is in session to put a stop to this nonsense.

When the power base is this firmly entrenched only revolution can replace it. It'll be bloody, it'll be hard. But IT HAS TO BE DONE or America is finished. We can't go on like this. It's that damn simple.

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