Monday, December 01, 2008

Yeah, I've had enough....

Can someone PLEASE explain to me how that IDIOT Obama gets a nice neat little placard in front of his podium for the 5 million press conferences he has (I hear he's doing one the next time he takes a dump) that says 'OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT ELECT'. Are you SHITTING ME? There's no such office, he's not EVEN the President-elect yet. Not until the Electoral College do their thing next week.

My God, this is ridiculous. The media coverage is beyond HYPE, it's outta control. Seriously. No one should take this man seriously if he stands up there with that stupid placard on his podium. What kind of insufferably arrogant egomaniac does that? This just proves that someone has given this man a God complex. Sadly, the American people are the ones that will suffer for his arrogance. He's NOT the second coming of Christ, he WILL NOT change the world as he claims. He WILL NOT even change America. It will be the same old shit in Washington, only, I believe the hype is SO high for this dimwit, that when the American people wake up from this illusion, they will turn on him (and all politicians) and do what is necessary for America to be strong again.

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