Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Okay, today is my day to bitch and moan about all these dumbasses and freaks who continue to show their 'individuality'. Is it REALLY being individual if you dress the same way as everyone else? You know, used to, you'd see people with tattoos and say to yourself 'wow, what a rebel' (or idiot if you were me). Now, EVERYONE has a tattoo, and lots of them have more than one. So, when rebellion becomes mainstream, it's NO LONGER REBELLION you imbeciles. When hippies all dress like homeless people (and we see this a lot in the town I work in) you just look like all the other hippies/homeless people around. That's not 'being yourself' or 'showing who you really are', that's just being a sheeple like the rest of these pointy headed wierdos. Get a grip people. The tattoos and body piercings are all well and good until you have to get a fucking job then you just look like a dumbass. No one I know in business will hire a moron with a giant rod through his nose, or ears, or lip. Grow the hell up. You are ADULTS, so act like it. And stop being sheeple by getting the tramp stamps, or the back tattoos, or what have you. It's just silly now.

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