Friday, June 10, 2005

Why do women never listen?

Is it just me or all women deaf to men? Do we speak in a decibel range women don't naturally hear? Memo to all women: We're not all idiots or imcompetents, some of us actually know what we're talking about. Granted a large portion of men in this world suck as human beings (my dad being one of them....too stubborn to admit he's wrong and too wrapped up in his 'macho-ness') but there are those of us genuinely good guys, you know the ones all you females think are gay, that actually do care and listen and offer help when it's asked for.

But there are those of you who insist we know SQUAT and refuse to even consider that we might, for once, be right. Never mind it may never happen again, it WILL NEVER happen.

And you wonder why we never talk.

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