Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Cut costs? Seriously?

I'm continually amazed at the stupidity that is the current American administration. Our esteemed president (and that is said tongue-in-cheek) sees no problem with tossing a trillion dollars to businesses who DESERVE to fail. he's now asking his 'cabinet', to cut $100M. He says 'we need to regain the people's trust'. Is he serious? The only way that could happen is if he takes back the trillion he's handed to companies like AIG.

I just cannot believe the nerve and arrogance of this man. I've tried really hard to think he can do the right things for America. I had 'hope'. Damn, was I wrong. He's put our country in so much debt that if we pay back 1 million dollars a DAY, we're closer to the birth of Christ than we are to paying this bailout off. He's so shortsighted, he wants immediate changes and it doesn't happen that way. He wants to confirm his next term and nothing more. I swear, I'll do my best to keep his dumb ass off the ballot in 4 years. He's an embarrassment to us. The world laughs at the 'stupid Americans' and with his election we've only reinforced that view.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey man (lady?) , do you have an email address. I'm working on a blog idea with much the same thing.


on my blog i will review and rate geeky things, and have the occasional face-melting rant about the current fiat government regime. I thought it'd be nice to get your input and perhaps tag-team the effort if things work out very well.