Tuesday, March 24, 2009

When are we gonna learn?

When will the intelligent people in America say they've had enough? When will we rise up and smite that jackasses and idiots who vote this stupid corrupt bastards into office? Where is our breaking point?

We're sitting here watching these MORONS hand over BILLIONS of dollars to companies that have REPEATEDLY shown they can't handle money. AIG and the bonuses. JPMorganChase and the new corporate jets. The only change I've seen is the corruption is more out in the open now that dumbass Obama is running things. I won't call him president. He's not, anymore than I am. This man is beyond a joke. We're in the worst economic crisis possibly in history and the dipshits in America who just want a handout voted this dumbass in. And YOU SEE WHAT YOU ELECTED DICKHEADS?

How's that HOPE and CHANGE working out for ya? Huh?

It is time for the American people to put their foot down and tell the government enough is enough. They won't relinquish power. Anyone with a usable brain cell knows that, we'll have to take it from them. We can't vote them out, they spread like roaches.

I know, it's a pipe dream. Americans are too goddamn lazy to revolt. Fucking idiots.

All I can say is, if we don't impeach Obama we're screwed. I've never seen a more incompetent bumbler.

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