Monday, April 23, 2007

Wow, it's been a while.

Yep, it's been over a year. But does anyone care? Nah probably not. It's really not that big a deal to me, I've been very busy and haven't had time to write. Not to mention that I get cranky over stupidity and I don't like being cranky all the time. However, now is a good time to vent a few thoughts.

Virginia Tech. My alma mater. It's a horrible thing, but let's move on. The media is out of control, I should know I was there this weekend and a week after the fact, they still don't want to let the school get back to normal. On Saturday for my reaction to the whole thing. I pretty told them all to sod off and let the students have their time. None listened, obviously.

Nancy Grace. On Monday, that bitch pissed me off so badly over her attitude, I am still almost speechless. Her condescending 'I WANT ANSWERS!' was too much for me. Someone please take that psycho bitch off my TV. Just for the record, you idiot, WE ALL WANTED ANSWERS! Who the bloody hell do you think you are to make such demands? Jesus Christ. Of course, my very well written and logical complaint to her on CNN's site was promptly stuck in /dev/null, but that's okay. I got it off my chest and I'm over it. She'll never catch me watching her face again. Idiot.

Ah well. It's funny how things in America are falling totally to hell and no one here seems to care. Go figure.

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