Thursday, November 13, 2008

Americans are INSANE!

I gotta tell you, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU who call yourselves 'Americans' ought to be ashamed. I just read this: and simply cannot believe how fucking STUPID America has become.

62 PERCENT say they like having the Democrats in control? Are you fucking kidding me? Hey America! If you would get your head out of your ass for 30 seconds you'd realize the Democrats have been in control for 2 years now. CONGRESS runs America not the President. Does ANYONE remember Communist one party rule?

I thought we were screwed before, now I know it. But what's so funny is watching the so-called smart 'American Public' (otherwise known as 'THE MOB') turn on the Democrats once they realize Obama isn't the second coming of Christ and the economy will not magically right itself because his pathetic ass is in office. It's like watching a train wreck in slow motion, appalling yet oddly fascinating.

As it is, I will NEVER call Obama president. I will NOT debase myself to that level. And no, not because he's mulatto (I love that even the media claims he's the first 'African American' president. HEY DICKHEADS, his momma was WHITE!) but because he's a fucking idiot.

You know who else was an eloquent speaker and carried the masses to such hysteria? (Give you a hint, he LOVED swastikas.)

I'm ashamed of this country. I'm disgusted with the entire group of in-bred cretins and dimwits who think Obama can magically wave his hand and fix everything. I'm even more disgusted at every business and company begging for MY money.

Personally, I wouldn't give a FIG is someone nuked DC while Congress was in session. Serve those fuckers right.

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