Friday, June 06, 2008

64 years ago today.

On this day 64 years ago, the most important event of the 20th Century happened. Tens of thousands of American, Canadian and British men put aside their dreams of the future for themselves and took on the task of securing the Greater Good. I really can't say enough on how important a day that was for the planet and for America in particular. It was one of the last times, we, as a collective organism, stood up and showed what this country is really capable of accomplishing.

Tens of thousands of men DIED so that Adolf Hitler and his psychotic dreams would be snuffed out and freedom would reign for Europe and indeed, the world. The United States fought on TWO fronts and supplied, at it's height, enough supplies to equip 2200 full Divisions. We, as a people, supplied England, Canada and Soviet Russia with the equipment necessary to continue the battle against that megalomaniacal madman.

And what does America think of it now? There's not so much as a mention of it on CNN's home page. (As of 9am EST) Not a whisper. My grandfather AND father-in-law fought in that war. Countless others DIED in that war, and in the Invasion itself. And no one seems to give a rats ass about it. Are we THAT shortsighted? When kids these days think the 90s were a hundred years ago (oh it's SO quaint) then i guess we are.

This is why this country is doomed. And why this planet is destined to die a fiery, ignorant death. Sad really.

I salute all those that sacrificed their lives (and all other too) for allowing me the freedom to express myself. The rest of the country may not care, but your memory will live on in me and my children.

1 comment:

a girl said...

Someone has read all of your posts...