Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Constant irritation

I swear, what IS IT with people in this country not wanting to be accountable for their actions? I've never seen a group of people TOTALLY act like nothing they do is their fault. From suing because coffee was spilled on them and there wasn't a goddamn disclaimer on the cup that coffee was hot, to being told you have a disease that you can control with diet and exercise, and they don't, then they fucking moan about it because it's not getting any better. SUCK IT UP YOU LAZY BASTARDS! My god, get off your lazy butts and take responsibility for a freaking change. Maybe if you fucking worked a little harder, things wouldn't be so bad for you. Idiots. Stop suing over every little thing, take responsibility for your actions and be a fucking adult for a change. You'd be amazed at how much you can do.

This country is completely in the shitter. And it's sad that this is supposed to be a MODEL OF DEMOCRACY? I think not. If there was ANY OTHER country that was better (which in itself is bad) I'd be out of here in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, this whiny assed country of the offended is the best this planet has to offer.

I just don't understand the complete laziness in this place. We've got it all. Everyone else wants it, and here we are doing our best to give it all up to corporations and corrupt officials. It's disgusting.

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