I swear, what IS IT with people in this country not wanting to be accountable for their actions? I've never seen a group of people TOTALLY act like nothing they do is their fault. From suing because coffee was spilled on them and there wasn't a goddamn disclaimer on the cup that coffee was hot, to being told you have a disease that you can control with diet and exercise, and they don't, then they fucking moan about it because it's not getting any better. SUCK IT UP YOU LAZY BASTARDS! My god, get off your lazy butts and take responsibility for a freaking change. Maybe if you fucking worked a little harder, things wouldn't be so bad for you. Idiots. Stop suing over every little thing, take responsibility for your actions and be a fucking adult for a change. You'd be amazed at how much you can do.
This country is completely in the shitter. And it's sad that this is supposed to be a MODEL OF DEMOCRACY? I think not. If there was ANY OTHER country that was better (which in itself is bad) I'd be out of here in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, this whiny assed country of the offended is the best this planet has to offer.
I just don't understand the complete laziness in this place. We've got it all. Everyone else wants it, and here we are doing our best to give it all up to corporations and corrupt officials. It's disgusting.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
Here are some of my random thoughts for the day.
AL GORE, Nobel Prize winner? Are you shitting me? He won over a woman who saved Jewish kids from Concentration Camps? How the fuck does this idiot win over that? Global warming, or 12 million Jews dead? Hmmm, don't see the parity there. The world is truly in the shitter for this vote.
Secession. A thought that has occurred to me more than once recently. I think my great home state of NC should think of leaving the union. Seriously. I'm sick to death of the big corporations running things. The lack of lobbying restrictions and I'm tired of paying my hard earned money to slack asses on welfare who CAN work but won't get a fucking job. I think it's time for the South to rise again.
Hillary Clinton. Hasn't she served her two terms already?
Hmm, I think that does it for now. Maybe, if I think of anything else, I'll post it.
AL GORE, Nobel Prize winner? Are you shitting me? He won over a woman who saved Jewish kids from Concentration Camps? How the fuck does this idiot win over that? Global warming, or 12 million Jews dead? Hmmm, don't see the parity there. The world is truly in the shitter for this vote.
Secession. A thought that has occurred to me more than once recently. I think my great home state of NC should think of leaving the union. Seriously. I'm sick to death of the big corporations running things. The lack of lobbying restrictions and I'm tired of paying my hard earned money to slack asses on welfare who CAN work but won't get a fucking job. I think it's time for the South to rise again.
Hillary Clinton. Hasn't she served her two terms already?
Hmm, I think that does it for now. Maybe, if I think of anything else, I'll post it.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
I need new titles.
Why do people insist on doing stupid shit? I mean is it this innate ability to not think about what they are doing? Seriously, why do we continue to see teachers banging their students? Don't they watch CNN? Don't they read FARK? It seems like every single day at lunch, when I hit up my favorite site for following stupid people there's some article about a teacher rogering a student.
And these girls that get knocked up in High School? My 16yo daughter's HS, just in the past 8 MONTHS has seen 7 babies born to students with 4 more that she knows of on the way. Are we failing to provide the necessary information?
Personally I attribute this to Americans epic lack of discipline. Apparently the morons simply don't think they will get caught, or 'it can't happen to me'. What a joke we've become to the world and to the intellectuals in this country. Don't you see the end result of all this? The fall of Rome will be nothing as compared to the gigantic fall of America. Have we learned nothing from the past? Oh yes, that's right, we're not allowed to teach the past anymore, it's got horrible things in it. Slavery, the KKK, Hitler, the Holocaust, the exploitation of the Native Americans, etc. Let's not upset anyone by talking about the past. Hey, assholes, the past is the past! It is there to learn from. Not to ignore and hope it goes away. As Cicero said: 'Nescire autem quid ante quam natus sis acciderit, id est semper esse puerum' Not to know what happened before one was born is always to be a child.
Even with all the knowledge at our disposal, we are making the same mistakes the Romans made. We're leaning more for dictatorship for we fear freedom. We're collapsing internally from luxury and sloth. We are no longer the disciplined multitudes who went to war to fight Fascism and Nazism. We don't even deserve the right to be called the 'Descendants of the Greatest Generation'. We've failed our fathers by letting our kids be undisciplined. By not wearing their asses out when they get in trouble, instead we put them in 'time out'. We no longer let the punishment fit the crime. In fact we hardly punish at all.
I'm very distraught at the state of this country. The one I call my own. The one I'm proud to be part of. Until now. What would my grandfather and father-in-law say about things now? Both were veterans of WWII, one a vet of Korea as well. It's disgusting how all of you have let that generation down. How you are giving up the very freedom they fought to defend. And only 60 YEARS after they fought and died for it.
And these girls that get knocked up in High School? My 16yo daughter's HS, just in the past 8 MONTHS has seen 7 babies born to students with 4 more that she knows of on the way. Are we failing to provide the necessary information?
Personally I attribute this to Americans epic lack of discipline. Apparently the morons simply don't think they will get caught, or 'it can't happen to me'. What a joke we've become to the world and to the intellectuals in this country. Don't you see the end result of all this? The fall of Rome will be nothing as compared to the gigantic fall of America. Have we learned nothing from the past? Oh yes, that's right, we're not allowed to teach the past anymore, it's got horrible things in it. Slavery, the KKK, Hitler, the Holocaust, the exploitation of the Native Americans, etc. Let's not upset anyone by talking about the past. Hey, assholes, the past is the past! It is there to learn from. Not to ignore and hope it goes away. As Cicero said: 'Nescire autem quid ante quam natus sis acciderit, id est semper esse puerum' Not to know what happened before one was born is always to be a child.
Even with all the knowledge at our disposal, we are making the same mistakes the Romans made. We're leaning more for dictatorship for we fear freedom. We're collapsing internally from luxury and sloth. We are no longer the disciplined multitudes who went to war to fight Fascism and Nazism. We don't even deserve the right to be called the 'Descendants of the Greatest Generation'. We've failed our fathers by letting our kids be undisciplined. By not wearing their asses out when they get in trouble, instead we put them in 'time out'. We no longer let the punishment fit the crime. In fact we hardly punish at all.
I'm very distraught at the state of this country. The one I call my own. The one I'm proud to be part of. Until now. What would my grandfather and father-in-law say about things now? Both were veterans of WWII, one a vet of Korea as well. It's disgusting how all of you have let that generation down. How you are giving up the very freedom they fought to defend. And only 60 YEARS after they fought and died for it.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Okay, today is my day to bitch and moan about all these dumbasses and freaks who continue to show their 'individuality'. Is it REALLY being individual if you dress the same way as everyone else? You know, used to, you'd see people with tattoos and say to yourself 'wow, what a rebel' (or idiot if you were me). Now, EVERYONE has a tattoo, and lots of them have more than one. So, when rebellion becomes mainstream, it's NO LONGER REBELLION you imbeciles. When hippies all dress like homeless people (and we see this a lot in the town I work in) you just look like all the other hippies/homeless people around. That's not 'being yourself' or 'showing who you really are', that's just being a sheeple like the rest of these pointy headed wierdos. Get a grip people. The tattoos and body piercings are all well and good until you have to get a fucking job then you just look like a dumbass. No one I know in business will hire a moron with a giant rod through his nose, or ears, or lip. Grow the hell up. You are ADULTS, so act like it. And stop being sheeple by getting the tramp stamps, or the back tattoos, or what have you. It's just silly now.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
It's time for a Revolution
Ladies and Gentlemen, it's time for a revolution in this country. Congress has it all wrong, the stupid Republicans and the piss ant Democrats are squeezing this country into oblivion with their knee-jerk reactions and pockets filled with corporate money. It's time the people took back what is rightfully ours, the true say in how our nation should be run. Not the bitch Nancy Pelosi, or the psycho Hillary Clinton. God save us from Barack Obama, or Guiliani any of these other dumbasses who claim to have 'the best interests of America at heart'. Please. Give me a break. They want to pad their pocketbooks and rip off the people in such a way as to have us thank them for the ass reaming.
We need to put a stop to this and NOW. When did 'majority rule' become a BAD THING(TM) in this country. We see all these instances of one parent complaining about a book, or Christmas, and the schools, or Wal-Mart, or whatever, drop their pants and say 'WE ARE SOOOO SORRY' and stop whatever it is they were doing. The MAJORITY of people in this country celebrate Christmas. We celebrate Halloween. Why do the goddamn Muslim kids get to pray in public school and the Christian kids can't? WTF? Can you explain this to me? It these sons of bitches in government that allow this type of behaviour. They all must go. And go now. Personally, monarchy is better than these bunch of jokers. Hell, even anarchy is preferable to this.
It's time we took back America. It's time Congress gets blown off the map, tabula rasa, and we start over with tighter rules to keep the damn corporations from buying votes, from even donating money/perks/etc in ANY WAY, and we give everyone a chance to rule. No more 30 year Congressional careers, no more bullshit like that. One term (maybe two) and you are DONE. Forever. End of story. This Oligarchy that is the Congress must go. And go now.
We need to put a stop to this and NOW. When did 'majority rule' become a BAD THING(TM) in this country. We see all these instances of one parent complaining about a book, or Christmas, and the schools, or Wal-Mart, or whatever, drop their pants and say 'WE ARE SOOOO SORRY' and stop whatever it is they were doing. The MAJORITY of people in this country celebrate Christmas. We celebrate Halloween. Why do the goddamn Muslim kids get to pray in public school and the Christian kids can't? WTF? Can you explain this to me? It these sons of bitches in government that allow this type of behaviour. They all must go. And go now. Personally, monarchy is better than these bunch of jokers. Hell, even anarchy is preferable to this.
It's time we took back America. It's time Congress gets blown off the map, tabula rasa, and we start over with tighter rules to keep the damn corporations from buying votes, from even donating money/perks/etc in ANY WAY, and we give everyone a chance to rule. No more 30 year Congressional careers, no more bullshit like that. One term (maybe two) and you are DONE. Forever. End of story. This Oligarchy that is the Congress must go. And go now.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
What is it with Pro Sports these days?
Here's something I've had a giant beef about for a while and finally got sick to death of making comments on message boards about it. What the HELL is wrong with so called 'professional' sports? Is it just me or does it all suck? (Okay, pro football is the exception). Here's what I mean, take the NBA. Do you know why no one watches it anymore? Because it's no longer about the TEAM, but about one person (Kobe anyone?) taking on 5 guys. If I want that I'd watch gay porn. Everyone talks about how boring the Spurs are. They play as a team. It wouldn't be boring if EVERY OTHER BLOODY TEAM played that way. Not to mention much more fun to watch. I refuse to pay $30-$100 a ticket (whatever it is) to watch the drivel they call Pro Basketball now.
Okay, let's talk NASCAR now. I used to be a huge racing fan. Used to be. Now it's a joke. It's worse than a joke. You know, people ho aren't racing fans always ask the same thing, 'Why would anyone watch a bunch of cars go in a circle?'. And it's true, now. It's nothing more than virtually the same car (can you tell a bloody Toyota from a Dodge from a Chevy?) on virtually the SAME TRACK (Atlanta, Chicago, Califronia, Kansas, Homestead, etc, etc, ad infinitum) so it really is nothing more than a repeat of the previous week. And you wonder why people aren't going to the races as much anymore? It's repetitive, it really is the same car going in the same circle week after week. I'd rather watch paint dry.
Not to mention the fact that the France family is doing everything in it's power to destroy what makes NASCAR great. When you market to the 'casual fan', you inevitably turn off the hardcore ones by watering down the sport. It's a fact of life. The stupid rule changes, the arbitrary way you penalize people for things on and off the track. Take this past week, Tony Stewart gets NO PUNISHMENT for saying an expletive on live TV because in NASCAR's infinite wisdom it wasn't 'a format interview'. WTF is that? Dale Junior gets points docked and a fine for saying 'shit' on TV because it IS a formal interview? WTF? Seriously, can you be any more arbitrary than that? The Busch brothers are going to kill a driver with their shenanigans on the track and they get nothing in punishment. What happens when the wreck those idiots cause is fatal to a driver? How any points do you take away for a fatality? This isn't Mortal Kombat you idiots.
Then there is pro baseball. What do I say about that? Could I be any more bored watching Nomar go through his 5 minutes routine every time he takes a pitch? It'd be more fun to have my nails ripped off. I love playing baseball and basketball, but this is silly.
Each one of these athletes make millions of dollars, and I could care less about most of them. They are either criminals, soon to be criminals or just dicks in general. (Barry Bonds anyone, anyone?) I hate that money ruins everything good about sports. I mean, CNNSI's latest article is on 'The Greatest Quarterback Propesct Ever'. He's 11 years old. His balls haven't even dropped yet and he's the next Montana? It's sad what money has done to sports. It's sad that the fucking idiots running these sports don't get it. And it needs to change. Now.
Okay, let's talk NASCAR now. I used to be a huge racing fan. Used to be. Now it's a joke. It's worse than a joke. You know, people ho aren't racing fans always ask the same thing, 'Why would anyone watch a bunch of cars go in a circle?'. And it's true, now. It's nothing more than virtually the same car (can you tell a bloody Toyota from a Dodge from a Chevy?) on virtually the SAME TRACK (Atlanta, Chicago, Califronia, Kansas, Homestead, etc, etc, ad infinitum) so it really is nothing more than a repeat of the previous week. And you wonder why people aren't going to the races as much anymore? It's repetitive, it really is the same car going in the same circle week after week. I'd rather watch paint dry.
Not to mention the fact that the France family is doing everything in it's power to destroy what makes NASCAR great. When you market to the 'casual fan', you inevitably turn off the hardcore ones by watering down the sport. It's a fact of life. The stupid rule changes, the arbitrary way you penalize people for things on and off the track. Take this past week, Tony Stewart gets NO PUNISHMENT for saying an expletive on live TV because in NASCAR's infinite wisdom it wasn't 'a format interview'. WTF is that? Dale Junior gets points docked and a fine for saying 'shit' on TV because it IS a formal interview? WTF? Seriously, can you be any more arbitrary than that? The Busch brothers are going to kill a driver with their shenanigans on the track and they get nothing in punishment. What happens when the wreck those idiots cause is fatal to a driver? How any points do you take away for a fatality? This isn't Mortal Kombat you idiots.
Then there is pro baseball. What do I say about that? Could I be any more bored watching Nomar go through his 5 minutes routine every time he takes a pitch? It'd be more fun to have my nails ripped off. I love playing baseball and basketball, but this is silly.
Each one of these athletes make millions of dollars, and I could care less about most of them. They are either criminals, soon to be criminals or just dicks in general. (Barry Bonds anyone, anyone?) I hate that money ruins everything good about sports. I mean, CNNSI's latest article is on 'The Greatest Quarterback Propesct Ever'. He's 11 years old. His balls haven't even dropped yet and he's the next Montana? It's sad what money has done to sports. It's sad that the fucking idiots running these sports don't get it. And it needs to change. Now.
Monday, October 01, 2007
Books, books and more books
So, my wife and I finally got some time to get away from the kids and roll off into the sunset for a weekend of relaxation. We had been told about a used bookstore in Hickory and thought that would be a good place to visit. Now, let me tell you about my little problem. I LOVE books. My house smells like a library and it's better than any perfume on the planet. I have 4,500 books in my house and every chance I get, I buy more. Why? Because I'm a book whore. I've read nearly all the books in my house (barring the ones I just purchased) and it's comforting to know they are all mine. With the advent of the internet and audio and e-books, print media will soon disappear, print books included. Maybe not in my lifetime, but someday. So, I see myself (and the wife does too) as an orphanage for books. Mostly very old and first editions, but a lot of paperbacks as well. We're not picky in what we buy, except romance books. What a waste of good trees for that drivel.
So anyway, we hit the book store and man was it awesome. My wife is a teacher and they had a teacher specific sale on, 30 books for various ages and reading levels for $5. So, my wife being the teacher she is, bought 12 boxes. Everything they had. In all we got about 450 books for about $150. It was a fantastic way to spend a weekend with my wife. Something we haven't done in a long, long time.
So anyway, we hit the book store and man was it awesome. My wife is a teacher and they had a teacher specific sale on, 30 books for various ages and reading levels for $5. So, my wife being the teacher she is, bought 12 boxes. Everything they had. In all we got about 450 books for about $150. It was a fantastic way to spend a weekend with my wife. Something we haven't done in a long, long time.
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