Well, after 2 weeks or pure hell trying to get the final inspection done on my renovations, we're all moved in. That's the good news. The bad news is I am so sore I can't feel my feet. God, I hate moving. There's nothing worse than moving all your crap out to renovate then back in once it's done. I must have been insane when I thought that was a good idea. Doh.
Not all is bad on the home front. My crazy ass, creepy, stupid whore of a stalker is finally leaving me alone. The bitch. I hope it's a permanent thing. I'm sick to death of her whining and bitching and moaning about how she misses me, how she loves me, blah blah blah. Unfortunately, my boss is still talking to her. Trust me dude, she ain't that great in the sack and after you are done with her, she'll hound you like a rabid squirrel. But it's HIS problem, not mine. She made me realize I have the greatest woman on earth as my wife and nothing will ever change that. I sincerely hope she drops off a cliff somewhere. The world needs LESS idiots like her around and not more. It's a good thing she could only breed ONCE. Maybe the line will die out and the world will be one stupid strand of DNA less. We can only hope.
Sadly, that is my Christmas theme. Good riddance to her and that bratty assed son of hers. One of these days my daughters will be buying their groceries from him at the checkout. Maybe they will tip him more than I would.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
I must be a stupid people magnet....
I swear, I must be a stupid people magnet. Maybe it's due to the fact that stupid people can sense when someone just detests the air they breathe and congregates around them like Catholic priests around a boys choir. And apparently some of those people seem to think they can outsmart me. It's really amazing how really REALLY stupid people think they are Einstein. It would suck to be that stupid. I know I'm no Brad Pitt or George Clooney, but at least I'm not an idiot. At least I don't go around insulting people and not realize I'm doing it. If I'm going to insult someone I INTEND to smack them down. And sadly, stupid people BREED MORE STUPID PEOPLE. It's this never ending stupidity cycle. Unfortunately too, the stupid breed like guppies, while the smart ones don't. If that were reversed, the world wouldn't be such a giant sinkhole of stupidity. Earth really is one cosmic joke.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Hate crimes...a note to the supporters of the Jena 6
I've been following this news item and the recent 'March' with a ridiculous amount of disgust. Can someone, ANYONE, tell me how the believe that hanging a bunch of nooses in a tree is even remotely the same and nearly beating a boy to death? When is murder or attempted murder NOT a hate crime? If you want to kill someone, it's not likely because you love their personality, now is it you dimwits?
So, you want to prosecute a couple of kids hanging nooses as a hate crime? Hmm, let me see, are the BLACKS the only people to ever be hanged? No. Just because a white boy hangs a noose, does that mean he's a racist? No. Are all of you hypersensitive because those boys nearly killed a kid and you want to divert attention? Very much so. I say again, when is nearly killing someone NOT a hate crime? Those attempted murderers get off with a slap on the wrist when they should all get the chair for it and you still want the noose hangers punished? How? Prison? Really? Hmm, beat up a kid, ANY kid, get off scott free; hang a noose, go to jail. BRILLIANT. You wonder why there are still so many racists out there? Because of that very fact. You won't let it go. It's been 140+ years and we owe you something? It's funny, I don't recall owning slaves. So why should we cater to your whiny asses? Grow up, be accountable for yourselves and stop pointing the finger at us every time one of your punk kids does something stupid.
People do stupid shit. Black, white, green, it doesn't matter. But blaming the 'white folks' for all your problems is facetious. It's a never ending cycle, you blame us, we get pissed for being blamed for something we didn't do, so we do something to be blamed for. Then you retaliate. It's stupid, and childish and gets all of us nowhere. Take your whining somewhere else if this country is SO bad to you. Here's some bus fair.
So, you want to prosecute a couple of kids hanging nooses as a hate crime? Hmm, let me see, are the BLACKS the only people to ever be hanged? No. Just because a white boy hangs a noose, does that mean he's a racist? No. Are all of you hypersensitive because those boys nearly killed a kid and you want to divert attention? Very much so. I say again, when is nearly killing someone NOT a hate crime? Those attempted murderers get off with a slap on the wrist when they should all get the chair for it and you still want the noose hangers punished? How? Prison? Really? Hmm, beat up a kid, ANY kid, get off scott free; hang a noose, go to jail. BRILLIANT. You wonder why there are still so many racists out there? Because of that very fact. You won't let it go. It's been 140+ years and we owe you something? It's funny, I don't recall owning slaves. So why should we cater to your whiny asses? Grow up, be accountable for yourselves and stop pointing the finger at us every time one of your punk kids does something stupid.
People do stupid shit. Black, white, green, it doesn't matter. But blaming the 'white folks' for all your problems is facetious. It's a never ending cycle, you blame us, we get pissed for being blamed for something we didn't do, so we do something to be blamed for. Then you retaliate. It's stupid, and childish and gets all of us nowhere. Take your whining somewhere else if this country is SO bad to you. Here's some bus fair.
Darwin was wrong.....and GOD must be an idiot
A new theory just occurred to me last night. Darwin was wrong. This isn't 'survival of the fittest', this isn't EVOLUTION. If that is truly the case then how come there are so many STUPID people in the world? I see the majority being complete morons and the rest of us are the outcasts, the anomalies, the 'mutations'. I read an article in Discover magazine this month that details a study being done that says that the best looking, most successful 'buck' has offspring that are much less of either and do not procreate as much or as often and that the ugly, stupid ones breed like rabbits and have offspring that breed like rabbits. (Travis Henry are you listening?) This is almost completely contrary to Darwin. Sure, I suppose the 'fittest' do survive, but only in a sea of stupidity. After a couple hundred thousand years of development (and lets not get into semantics about human pre-history) you'd think we'd be much more 'fit' to survive. Not a chance. Out of 6 BILLION people, only a merest fraction of that is capable of moving us into an era of enlightenment. The rest are dragging us down. With wars, and ignorance and despotism and ignorance and religion.
Speaking of religion, doesn't it say somewhere in the Bible that God made us in His image? Well with a far majority being morons and useless strands of DNA, it stands to reason, God must be an idiot. How else do you explain it? This isn't free will here, if you take the Bible (or the bloody ignorant Koran) at it's word. God isn't perfect. Far from it. He gave us jealousy, and vengeance, and evil. And stupidity. And ignorance. And intolerance. He's no better than the Norse, Greek or Roman gods. In fact I'd say a thousandfold worse since he is such a jealous God. I am consistently amazed at the pinheads that continue to fall into cults and congregations who don't have a CLUE what religion is about. It's just more proof that Allah/God/Yahweh is a despotic controlling entity who wants us to stay stupid and ignorant. Assuming he's out there paying any attention to us. Which, after looking at the news this morning, he isn't. Good riddance. Maybe the stupid ones will follow suit and go away.
Speaking of religion, doesn't it say somewhere in the Bible that God made us in His image? Well with a far majority being morons and useless strands of DNA, it stands to reason, God must be an idiot. How else do you explain it? This isn't free will here, if you take the Bible (or the bloody ignorant Koran) at it's word. God isn't perfect. Far from it. He gave us jealousy, and vengeance, and evil. And stupidity. And ignorance. And intolerance. He's no better than the Norse, Greek or Roman gods. In fact I'd say a thousandfold worse since he is such a jealous God. I am consistently amazed at the pinheads that continue to fall into cults and congregations who don't have a CLUE what religion is about. It's just more proof that Allah/God/Yahweh is a despotic controlling entity who wants us to stay stupid and ignorant. Assuming he's out there paying any attention to us. Which, after looking at the news this morning, he isn't. Good riddance. Maybe the stupid ones will follow suit and go away.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Constant irritation
I swear, what IS IT with people in this country not wanting to be accountable for their actions? I've never seen a group of people TOTALLY act like nothing they do is their fault. From suing because coffee was spilled on them and there wasn't a goddamn disclaimer on the cup that coffee was hot, to being told you have a disease that you can control with diet and exercise, and they don't, then they fucking moan about it because it's not getting any better. SUCK IT UP YOU LAZY BASTARDS! My god, get off your lazy butts and take responsibility for a freaking change. Maybe if you fucking worked a little harder, things wouldn't be so bad for you. Idiots. Stop suing over every little thing, take responsibility for your actions and be a fucking adult for a change. You'd be amazed at how much you can do.
This country is completely in the shitter. And it's sad that this is supposed to be a MODEL OF DEMOCRACY? I think not. If there was ANY OTHER country that was better (which in itself is bad) I'd be out of here in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, this whiny assed country of the offended is the best this planet has to offer.
I just don't understand the complete laziness in this place. We've got it all. Everyone else wants it, and here we are doing our best to give it all up to corporations and corrupt officials. It's disgusting.
This country is completely in the shitter. And it's sad that this is supposed to be a MODEL OF DEMOCRACY? I think not. If there was ANY OTHER country that was better (which in itself is bad) I'd be out of here in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, this whiny assed country of the offended is the best this planet has to offer.
I just don't understand the complete laziness in this place. We've got it all. Everyone else wants it, and here we are doing our best to give it all up to corporations and corrupt officials. It's disgusting.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Here are some of my random thoughts for the day.
AL GORE, Nobel Prize winner? Are you shitting me? He won over a woman who saved Jewish kids from Concentration Camps? How the fuck does this idiot win over that? Global warming, or 12 million Jews dead? Hmmm, don't see the parity there. The world is truly in the shitter for this vote.
Secession. A thought that has occurred to me more than once recently. I think my great home state of NC should think of leaving the union. Seriously. I'm sick to death of the big corporations running things. The lack of lobbying restrictions and I'm tired of paying my hard earned money to slack asses on welfare who CAN work but won't get a fucking job. I think it's time for the South to rise again.
Hillary Clinton. Hasn't she served her two terms already?
Hmm, I think that does it for now. Maybe, if I think of anything else, I'll post it.
AL GORE, Nobel Prize winner? Are you shitting me? He won over a woman who saved Jewish kids from Concentration Camps? How the fuck does this idiot win over that? Global warming, or 12 million Jews dead? Hmmm, don't see the parity there. The world is truly in the shitter for this vote.
Secession. A thought that has occurred to me more than once recently. I think my great home state of NC should think of leaving the union. Seriously. I'm sick to death of the big corporations running things. The lack of lobbying restrictions and I'm tired of paying my hard earned money to slack asses on welfare who CAN work but won't get a fucking job. I think it's time for the South to rise again.
Hillary Clinton. Hasn't she served her two terms already?
Hmm, I think that does it for now. Maybe, if I think of anything else, I'll post it.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
I need new titles.
Why do people insist on doing stupid shit? I mean is it this innate ability to not think about what they are doing? Seriously, why do we continue to see teachers banging their students? Don't they watch CNN? Don't they read FARK? It seems like every single day at lunch, when I hit up my favorite site for following stupid people there's some article about a teacher rogering a student.
And these girls that get knocked up in High School? My 16yo daughter's HS, just in the past 8 MONTHS has seen 7 babies born to students with 4 more that she knows of on the way. Are we failing to provide the necessary information?
Personally I attribute this to Americans epic lack of discipline. Apparently the morons simply don't think they will get caught, or 'it can't happen to me'. What a joke we've become to the world and to the intellectuals in this country. Don't you see the end result of all this? The fall of Rome will be nothing as compared to the gigantic fall of America. Have we learned nothing from the past? Oh yes, that's right, we're not allowed to teach the past anymore, it's got horrible things in it. Slavery, the KKK, Hitler, the Holocaust, the exploitation of the Native Americans, etc. Let's not upset anyone by talking about the past. Hey, assholes, the past is the past! It is there to learn from. Not to ignore and hope it goes away. As Cicero said: 'Nescire autem quid ante quam natus sis acciderit, id est semper esse puerum' Not to know what happened before one was born is always to be a child.
Even with all the knowledge at our disposal, we are making the same mistakes the Romans made. We're leaning more for dictatorship for we fear freedom. We're collapsing internally from luxury and sloth. We are no longer the disciplined multitudes who went to war to fight Fascism and Nazism. We don't even deserve the right to be called the 'Descendants of the Greatest Generation'. We've failed our fathers by letting our kids be undisciplined. By not wearing their asses out when they get in trouble, instead we put them in 'time out'. We no longer let the punishment fit the crime. In fact we hardly punish at all.
I'm very distraught at the state of this country. The one I call my own. The one I'm proud to be part of. Until now. What would my grandfather and father-in-law say about things now? Both were veterans of WWII, one a vet of Korea as well. It's disgusting how all of you have let that generation down. How you are giving up the very freedom they fought to defend. And only 60 YEARS after they fought and died for it.
And these girls that get knocked up in High School? My 16yo daughter's HS, just in the past 8 MONTHS has seen 7 babies born to students with 4 more that she knows of on the way. Are we failing to provide the necessary information?
Personally I attribute this to Americans epic lack of discipline. Apparently the morons simply don't think they will get caught, or 'it can't happen to me'. What a joke we've become to the world and to the intellectuals in this country. Don't you see the end result of all this? The fall of Rome will be nothing as compared to the gigantic fall of America. Have we learned nothing from the past? Oh yes, that's right, we're not allowed to teach the past anymore, it's got horrible things in it. Slavery, the KKK, Hitler, the Holocaust, the exploitation of the Native Americans, etc. Let's not upset anyone by talking about the past. Hey, assholes, the past is the past! It is there to learn from. Not to ignore and hope it goes away. As Cicero said: 'Nescire autem quid ante quam natus sis acciderit, id est semper esse puerum' Not to know what happened before one was born is always to be a child.
Even with all the knowledge at our disposal, we are making the same mistakes the Romans made. We're leaning more for dictatorship for we fear freedom. We're collapsing internally from luxury and sloth. We are no longer the disciplined multitudes who went to war to fight Fascism and Nazism. We don't even deserve the right to be called the 'Descendants of the Greatest Generation'. We've failed our fathers by letting our kids be undisciplined. By not wearing their asses out when they get in trouble, instead we put them in 'time out'. We no longer let the punishment fit the crime. In fact we hardly punish at all.
I'm very distraught at the state of this country. The one I call my own. The one I'm proud to be part of. Until now. What would my grandfather and father-in-law say about things now? Both were veterans of WWII, one a vet of Korea as well. It's disgusting how all of you have let that generation down. How you are giving up the very freedom they fought to defend. And only 60 YEARS after they fought and died for it.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Okay, today is my day to bitch and moan about all these dumbasses and freaks who continue to show their 'individuality'. Is it REALLY being individual if you dress the same way as everyone else? You know, used to, you'd see people with tattoos and say to yourself 'wow, what a rebel' (or idiot if you were me). Now, EVERYONE has a tattoo, and lots of them have more than one. So, when rebellion becomes mainstream, it's NO LONGER REBELLION you imbeciles. When hippies all dress like homeless people (and we see this a lot in the town I work in) you just look like all the other hippies/homeless people around. That's not 'being yourself' or 'showing who you really are', that's just being a sheeple like the rest of these pointy headed wierdos. Get a grip people. The tattoos and body piercings are all well and good until you have to get a fucking job then you just look like a dumbass. No one I know in business will hire a moron with a giant rod through his nose, or ears, or lip. Grow the hell up. You are ADULTS, so act like it. And stop being sheeple by getting the tramp stamps, or the back tattoos, or what have you. It's just silly now.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
It's time for a Revolution
Ladies and Gentlemen, it's time for a revolution in this country. Congress has it all wrong, the stupid Republicans and the piss ant Democrats are squeezing this country into oblivion with their knee-jerk reactions and pockets filled with corporate money. It's time the people took back what is rightfully ours, the true say in how our nation should be run. Not the bitch Nancy Pelosi, or the psycho Hillary Clinton. God save us from Barack Obama, or Guiliani any of these other dumbasses who claim to have 'the best interests of America at heart'. Please. Give me a break. They want to pad their pocketbooks and rip off the people in such a way as to have us thank them for the ass reaming.
We need to put a stop to this and NOW. When did 'majority rule' become a BAD THING(TM) in this country. We see all these instances of one parent complaining about a book, or Christmas, and the schools, or Wal-Mart, or whatever, drop their pants and say 'WE ARE SOOOO SORRY' and stop whatever it is they were doing. The MAJORITY of people in this country celebrate Christmas. We celebrate Halloween. Why do the goddamn Muslim kids get to pray in public school and the Christian kids can't? WTF? Can you explain this to me? It these sons of bitches in government that allow this type of behaviour. They all must go. And go now. Personally, monarchy is better than these bunch of jokers. Hell, even anarchy is preferable to this.
It's time we took back America. It's time Congress gets blown off the map, tabula rasa, and we start over with tighter rules to keep the damn corporations from buying votes, from even donating money/perks/etc in ANY WAY, and we give everyone a chance to rule. No more 30 year Congressional careers, no more bullshit like that. One term (maybe two) and you are DONE. Forever. End of story. This Oligarchy that is the Congress must go. And go now.
We need to put a stop to this and NOW. When did 'majority rule' become a BAD THING(TM) in this country. We see all these instances of one parent complaining about a book, or Christmas, and the schools, or Wal-Mart, or whatever, drop their pants and say 'WE ARE SOOOO SORRY' and stop whatever it is they were doing. The MAJORITY of people in this country celebrate Christmas. We celebrate Halloween. Why do the goddamn Muslim kids get to pray in public school and the Christian kids can't? WTF? Can you explain this to me? It these sons of bitches in government that allow this type of behaviour. They all must go. And go now. Personally, monarchy is better than these bunch of jokers. Hell, even anarchy is preferable to this.
It's time we took back America. It's time Congress gets blown off the map, tabula rasa, and we start over with tighter rules to keep the damn corporations from buying votes, from even donating money/perks/etc in ANY WAY, and we give everyone a chance to rule. No more 30 year Congressional careers, no more bullshit like that. One term (maybe two) and you are DONE. Forever. End of story. This Oligarchy that is the Congress must go. And go now.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
What is it with Pro Sports these days?
Here's something I've had a giant beef about for a while and finally got sick to death of making comments on message boards about it. What the HELL is wrong with so called 'professional' sports? Is it just me or does it all suck? (Okay, pro football is the exception). Here's what I mean, take the NBA. Do you know why no one watches it anymore? Because it's no longer about the TEAM, but about one person (Kobe anyone?) taking on 5 guys. If I want that I'd watch gay porn. Everyone talks about how boring the Spurs are. They play as a team. It wouldn't be boring if EVERY OTHER BLOODY TEAM played that way. Not to mention much more fun to watch. I refuse to pay $30-$100 a ticket (whatever it is) to watch the drivel they call Pro Basketball now.
Okay, let's talk NASCAR now. I used to be a huge racing fan. Used to be. Now it's a joke. It's worse than a joke. You know, people ho aren't racing fans always ask the same thing, 'Why would anyone watch a bunch of cars go in a circle?'. And it's true, now. It's nothing more than virtually the same car (can you tell a bloody Toyota from a Dodge from a Chevy?) on virtually the SAME TRACK (Atlanta, Chicago, Califronia, Kansas, Homestead, etc, etc, ad infinitum) so it really is nothing more than a repeat of the previous week. And you wonder why people aren't going to the races as much anymore? It's repetitive, it really is the same car going in the same circle week after week. I'd rather watch paint dry.
Not to mention the fact that the France family is doing everything in it's power to destroy what makes NASCAR great. When you market to the 'casual fan', you inevitably turn off the hardcore ones by watering down the sport. It's a fact of life. The stupid rule changes, the arbitrary way you penalize people for things on and off the track. Take this past week, Tony Stewart gets NO PUNISHMENT for saying an expletive on live TV because in NASCAR's infinite wisdom it wasn't 'a format interview'. WTF is that? Dale Junior gets points docked and a fine for saying 'shit' on TV because it IS a formal interview? WTF? Seriously, can you be any more arbitrary than that? The Busch brothers are going to kill a driver with their shenanigans on the track and they get nothing in punishment. What happens when the wreck those idiots cause is fatal to a driver? How any points do you take away for a fatality? This isn't Mortal Kombat you idiots.
Then there is pro baseball. What do I say about that? Could I be any more bored watching Nomar go through his 5 minutes routine every time he takes a pitch? It'd be more fun to have my nails ripped off. I love playing baseball and basketball, but this is silly.
Each one of these athletes make millions of dollars, and I could care less about most of them. They are either criminals, soon to be criminals or just dicks in general. (Barry Bonds anyone, anyone?) I hate that money ruins everything good about sports. I mean, CNNSI's latest article is on 'The Greatest Quarterback Propesct Ever'. He's 11 years old. His balls haven't even dropped yet and he's the next Montana? It's sad what money has done to sports. It's sad that the fucking idiots running these sports don't get it. And it needs to change. Now.
Okay, let's talk NASCAR now. I used to be a huge racing fan. Used to be. Now it's a joke. It's worse than a joke. You know, people ho aren't racing fans always ask the same thing, 'Why would anyone watch a bunch of cars go in a circle?'. And it's true, now. It's nothing more than virtually the same car (can you tell a bloody Toyota from a Dodge from a Chevy?) on virtually the SAME TRACK (Atlanta, Chicago, Califronia, Kansas, Homestead, etc, etc, ad infinitum) so it really is nothing more than a repeat of the previous week. And you wonder why people aren't going to the races as much anymore? It's repetitive, it really is the same car going in the same circle week after week. I'd rather watch paint dry.
Not to mention the fact that the France family is doing everything in it's power to destroy what makes NASCAR great. When you market to the 'casual fan', you inevitably turn off the hardcore ones by watering down the sport. It's a fact of life. The stupid rule changes, the arbitrary way you penalize people for things on and off the track. Take this past week, Tony Stewart gets NO PUNISHMENT for saying an expletive on live TV because in NASCAR's infinite wisdom it wasn't 'a format interview'. WTF is that? Dale Junior gets points docked and a fine for saying 'shit' on TV because it IS a formal interview? WTF? Seriously, can you be any more arbitrary than that? The Busch brothers are going to kill a driver with their shenanigans on the track and they get nothing in punishment. What happens when the wreck those idiots cause is fatal to a driver? How any points do you take away for a fatality? This isn't Mortal Kombat you idiots.
Then there is pro baseball. What do I say about that? Could I be any more bored watching Nomar go through his 5 minutes routine every time he takes a pitch? It'd be more fun to have my nails ripped off. I love playing baseball and basketball, but this is silly.
Each one of these athletes make millions of dollars, and I could care less about most of them. They are either criminals, soon to be criminals or just dicks in general. (Barry Bonds anyone, anyone?) I hate that money ruins everything good about sports. I mean, CNNSI's latest article is on 'The Greatest Quarterback Propesct Ever'. He's 11 years old. His balls haven't even dropped yet and he's the next Montana? It's sad what money has done to sports. It's sad that the fucking idiots running these sports don't get it. And it needs to change. Now.
Monday, October 01, 2007
Books, books and more books
So, my wife and I finally got some time to get away from the kids and roll off into the sunset for a weekend of relaxation. We had been told about a used bookstore in Hickory and thought that would be a good place to visit. Now, let me tell you about my little problem. I LOVE books. My house smells like a library and it's better than any perfume on the planet. I have 4,500 books in my house and every chance I get, I buy more. Why? Because I'm a book whore. I've read nearly all the books in my house (barring the ones I just purchased) and it's comforting to know they are all mine. With the advent of the internet and audio and e-books, print media will soon disappear, print books included. Maybe not in my lifetime, but someday. So, I see myself (and the wife does too) as an orphanage for books. Mostly very old and first editions, but a lot of paperbacks as well. We're not picky in what we buy, except romance books. What a waste of good trees for that drivel.
So anyway, we hit the book store and man was it awesome. My wife is a teacher and they had a teacher specific sale on, 30 books for various ages and reading levels for $5. So, my wife being the teacher she is, bought 12 boxes. Everything they had. In all we got about 450 books for about $150. It was a fantastic way to spend a weekend with my wife. Something we haven't done in a long, long time.
So anyway, we hit the book store and man was it awesome. My wife is a teacher and they had a teacher specific sale on, 30 books for various ages and reading levels for $5. So, my wife being the teacher she is, bought 12 boxes. Everything they had. In all we got about 450 books for about $150. It was a fantastic way to spend a weekend with my wife. Something we haven't done in a long, long time.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Why can't people....
just move on with their lives? Why the hell do that have to have closure? Seriously, why bug the crap out of the person you shit on? To make yourself feel better about the fact that you shit on them? I have a great idea? Don't crap on them in the first place! Then there's no need for therapy you silly little fools. It truly is amazing how people think they can kill or maim or betray someone then think they can walk away with a clear conscience by 'finding Jesus' or getting therapy or rehab? WTF is that all about? Do you really think that makes the incident go away for the other person? That the person you BETRAYED will forget it happened? Are you out of your collective minds?
This is just another indication of the selfishness in America these days. It's all ME ME ME, and to hell with YOU YOU YOU. You stupid, shallow woman. Do you really think I want to go over the events of your betrayal of me? No, not really. I'd just as soon see you made King (or Queen) as to go over this again. Personally I think flaying isn't good enough for you, but your therapist (and I use the term LOOSELY) tells you that you need closure with me. I have a great idea for closure, STFU and Get Off My Lawn! No, really. Try it. I bet it works.
The fact you keep at it. The fact YOU won't let ME go is indicative of your sickness. The knowledge that you betrayed me is killing you inside and you can't handle it. And I am free and clear of you. And you hate it. You hate that I'm VERY HAPPILY married and you aren't. That you couldn't keep a man (and still can't) happy by being a bitch. You hate the fact that I go home to my wife every night and you go home to an empty, cold bed. So you insist on dragging me into your pitiful little world and trying to bring me down. Too goddamn bad. It's not working, so stop it.
I have closure. You don't. You won't let it be. It's sad that you are at the level of instability that you are. It's sad that you don't get it and won't ever get it. I've been strong enough to put Tina aside and have held my heart in check until my very own daughter was 18 before she can see me because of her and yet you can't move on from this. Maybe you should grow a set of testicles.
Stop asking me when I died. Stop making some silly half-assed philosophical metaphor out of your betrayal in instant messages to me. You wanted ME to leave you alone. But you won't let me. Grow up. Act like an adult and leave me out of your delusions. I'm HAPPY in my life, and you cannot keep me from being happy. You can't do anything more than make you look silly and childish.
This is just another indication of the selfishness in America these days. It's all ME ME ME, and to hell with YOU YOU YOU. You stupid, shallow woman. Do you really think I want to go over the events of your betrayal of me? No, not really. I'd just as soon see you made King (or Queen) as to go over this again. Personally I think flaying isn't good enough for you, but your therapist (and I use the term LOOSELY) tells you that you need closure with me. I have a great idea for closure, STFU and Get Off My Lawn! No, really. Try it. I bet it works.
The fact you keep at it. The fact YOU won't let ME go is indicative of your sickness. The knowledge that you betrayed me is killing you inside and you can't handle it. And I am free and clear of you. And you hate it. You hate that I'm VERY HAPPILY married and you aren't. That you couldn't keep a man (and still can't) happy by being a bitch. You hate the fact that I go home to my wife every night and you go home to an empty, cold bed. So you insist on dragging me into your pitiful little world and trying to bring me down. Too goddamn bad. It's not working, so stop it.
I have closure. You don't. You won't let it be. It's sad that you are at the level of instability that you are. It's sad that you don't get it and won't ever get it. I've been strong enough to put Tina aside and have held my heart in check until my very own daughter was 18 before she can see me because of her and yet you can't move on from this. Maybe you should grow a set of testicles.
Stop asking me when I died. Stop making some silly half-assed philosophical metaphor out of your betrayal in instant messages to me. You wanted ME to leave you alone. But you won't let me. Grow up. Act like an adult and leave me out of your delusions. I'm HAPPY in my life, and you cannot keep me from being happy. You can't do anything more than make you look silly and childish.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Another day..
People sometimes wonder about me and why I don't have more friends. That's easy. I don't like people. Oh, I can be nice to them, and even very personable, but deep down, I much prefer my books to people. They are so shallow and fake any more. It's disgusting. I am constantly amazed at what people will do and say to other people. It's really a joke. When you know someone is bullshitting, do you ignore it and let them keep talking? I sure don't. I tell them they are bullshitting. It's crazy. Say what you mean and GTFA, you know?
Friday, September 21, 2007
I think I should apologize to Angela for everything I've said. Until now I thought she really was just pushing my buttons, which of course she knows how to do very well. But it's QUITE obvious that she's not JUST doing that. It's plan as day that there really is some sort of problem mentally with her. And that is another story altogether. Mental illness is not funny and it's not worth getting angry with someone who's suffering from it. Therefore, I am deeply sorry for anything I've said to hurt you. Had I known then that you were mentally disturbed I would have tried to help you and not flame you every chance I got. I'm very sad to see the significant changes I've seen in you the last few months in this light. I definitely hope you get the help you need to overcome this problem and I hope it's sooner, rather than later that you realize you NEED help so that you can get back to normal.
I really am sorry for anything I've said. I was angry and now I know the reason behind your behaviour is beyond your ability to control. Please, seek help, these actions only prove to me you are sick and need to be made well again. You are too wonderful a person to let this illness destroy your life, your family and your friends.
I will say no more except I wish you all the best and hope that you get the help you need. Good luck.
I really am sorry for anything I've said. I was angry and now I know the reason behind your behaviour is beyond your ability to control. Please, seek help, these actions only prove to me you are sick and need to be made well again. You are too wonderful a person to let this illness destroy your life, your family and your friends.
I will say no more except I wish you all the best and hope that you get the help you need. Good luck.
I thought I was done with this....
Dammit. Why don't some people just learn their lesson? Does it take a brain surgeon? No. It's plain and simple: STFU and GOML (Get off my lawn). Let me tell you something, Angela. You're the worst fucking mistake I've ever made in my entire life. Being your friend was just a waste of 7 years of my life. You SORRY PATHETIC SACK OF SHIT!!! How DARE you come to my office and think you can fucking intimidate me? I can't be intimidated by anyone especially a lower life form like you. You make me sick to even look at any more. Godammit woman I will break you. You think I won't say it to your face? Bullshit. I told you take you skanky trashy friends and GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME. I'm done with you. I should have fucked you and forgotten you, but I didn't. I actually did care for you at one time, but no longer. You became someone else. Someone I simply detest to the core of my being.
And if you do not leave me the fuck alone, I will make you miserable. You've yet to feel my rage, so back the fuck off. I've had it. I won't let you interfere with my life, my job, or my family any longer. Take a hike you slut. I'm going to take a brillo pad to my brain to erase the memory of you. You sorry waste of DNA. You silly little girl who thinks I'm easily cowed. I've taken down bigger fish than you. And speaking of fish, what's the rotten smell? I just don't know why anyone would want to hit that now? Although I'm sure it's been all over the town this year. I figure in a few weeks you'll be selling it on ebay or craigslist. I hope no one is stupid enough to pay for it though, it's not that good.
Seven years I cared for you as a friend and this is the thanks I get. One time I'm not at your beck and call and you throw shit at me like you did? You cannot fathom the depth of my anger. You cannot imagine the hatred and sadness I feel for you. You are so deluded it's a joke. You've got your head so far up Brett and Juliana and Kent's asses it's a wonder you can breathe. Have fun up there. One of these days they will shit you out like you did to me and then you'll be where you like it least. ALONE.
Get it bitch? ALONE. The one thing you hate more than anything. So fuck you and your solitary life, stay away from me and my family and go to hell.
And if you do not leave me the fuck alone, I will make you miserable. You've yet to feel my rage, so back the fuck off. I've had it. I won't let you interfere with my life, my job, or my family any longer. Take a hike you slut. I'm going to take a brillo pad to my brain to erase the memory of you. You sorry waste of DNA. You silly little girl who thinks I'm easily cowed. I've taken down bigger fish than you. And speaking of fish, what's the rotten smell? I just don't know why anyone would want to hit that now? Although I'm sure it's been all over the town this year. I figure in a few weeks you'll be selling it on ebay or craigslist. I hope no one is stupid enough to pay for it though, it's not that good.
Seven years I cared for you as a friend and this is the thanks I get. One time I'm not at your beck and call and you throw shit at me like you did? You cannot fathom the depth of my anger. You cannot imagine the hatred and sadness I feel for you. You are so deluded it's a joke. You've got your head so far up Brett and Juliana and Kent's asses it's a wonder you can breathe. Have fun up there. One of these days they will shit you out like you did to me and then you'll be where you like it least. ALONE.
Get it bitch? ALONE. The one thing you hate more than anything. So fuck you and your solitary life, stay away from me and my family and go to hell.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Have you ever....?
Have you ever met somebody and thought 'man I bet they would be really cool to hang out with?' and then you get to know them and realize they are nothing but useless wastes of DNA? I gotta say it happens way too often nowadays. I've never seen or met so many fake people in my entire life. They live their lives in their own little fantasy world with no regard for reality. And when those people have kids it's even worse. Their little hellions end up just getting in the way of the real people and generally being nuisances.
Take my ex-friend, Angela, at one time I thought she was incredibly nice, and intelligent. Now I see the real whore on the inside. A trashy useless female who sucks in bed (the bad way, not the good way) and who has nowhere near any grip of reality. She pulled the wool over my eyes for seven years. So either she's the greatest actress living today, or I'm an idiot. Okay, I'm an idiot. I mean it's so bad that even though I've NEVER had problem getting it up that I had to will an erection the last time I was with her just to get it over with. I could smell the cigarette smoke on her breath and it was like having my face in an old fireplace. Her flabby belly from the gastric bypass surgery was enough to make me vomit almost and she only knows one position, missionary and even then is like a dead tuna. No wonder her husband dropped her. I've had better sex with myself. It's gross to even contemplate.
WTF was I thinking? Who knows. I wish I could clorox out every moment of us together. And every other moment I talked/texted/IM'd her too. I've met some trashy women in my day but she's the queen. She makes Paris Hilton look like Mother Theresa. Maybe at some point I'll stop ranting about her. I need to find another hobby than basing her. She's (literally) too easy... a target.
Take my ex-friend, Angela, at one time I thought she was incredibly nice, and intelligent. Now I see the real whore on the inside. A trashy useless female who sucks in bed (the bad way, not the good way) and who has nowhere near any grip of reality. She pulled the wool over my eyes for seven years. So either she's the greatest actress living today, or I'm an idiot. Okay, I'm an idiot. I mean it's so bad that even though I've NEVER had problem getting it up that I had to will an erection the last time I was with her just to get it over with. I could smell the cigarette smoke on her breath and it was like having my face in an old fireplace. Her flabby belly from the gastric bypass surgery was enough to make me vomit almost and she only knows one position, missionary and even then is like a dead tuna. No wonder her husband dropped her. I've had better sex with myself. It's gross to even contemplate.
WTF was I thinking? Who knows. I wish I could clorox out every moment of us together. And every other moment I talked/texted/IM'd her too. I've met some trashy women in my day but she's the queen. She makes Paris Hilton look like Mother Theresa. Maybe at some point I'll stop ranting about her. I need to find another hobby than basing her. She's (literally) too easy... a target.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Deluded people
You know, it amazes me how deluded people are nowadays. They do incredibly stupid shit (like piss me off) and then pretend that it was someone else's fault. That whole 'victim mentality' just drives me batty. I can't stand idiots who think they can just do what they want and blame it on someone (or everyone) else. The entire culture of America has degraded to nothing but a bunch of finger pointing pansies without any sort of accountability. When I screw up, I take the blame, I'm man enough to deal with it. How many other people will do that? Not many I'm sure.
And you wonder why the country is going to hell in a hand basket?
And you wonder why the country is going to hell in a hand basket?
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
What are friends?
You know, in this day and age of near instantaneous (and maybe not so much NEAR anymore) communication, why does it seem like I have fewer friends? I mean real friends. Ones that have your back, or actually hang out with you instead of just being some stupid avatar in an IM client or a not-so-witty signature line in a text message. Is it because that separation makes us less connected to people? Or is it because Americans are just bigger assholes now? Seriously. When a good friend like the one I just reamed in my previous post just implodes as a friend, what really is the matter? I should still be pissed about the entire situation with her, (I am) but I'm really more sad at how selfish we as a people have become. I was raised to help people, respect them and do them no harm, unless of course they did unto me first. Where'd that go? When someone I've called friend for seven long years, when she was having troubles with her marriage, I was there. When she needed someone after the marriage was over, I was there. Yet, when 'cooler' friends show up, I'm dog meat, doesn't that say something about the people in this world?
I'm a caring person. At least I try to be. I like people, in general, but most of them now could fall off the earth and I doubt I would notice. When that happens, what is next for me? What does that make me? Like them (and her)? Just another self-serving egomaniac? I really hope not. My mother would kick my ass if I became like her. (And yes, Angela, she knows the whole story and trust me, you don't want her to get hold of your sorry ass either for trying to 'hurt her boy' (her words not mine.)
Nowadays it seems I have a lot of 'contacts' but few 'friends'. I've always been selective about who I call friend, so I've always had fewer than most, but I knew I could count on and trust (okay not ALL of them obviously, listening Angela?) them more so than other people with their friends. And I liked it that way. But now, now is a different story. Maybe that's from growing up, growing older and having a lot of children taking up most of my time, but maybe it's just due to the fleeting connections we have as people now.
And just think of my kids. What 'friends' will they have? What will they call a friend? Someone who replies to a text within a certain time? One who's on all your contact lists? Sadly I feel the personal connection is rapidly losing the battle against technology and with it goes our natural means of determining who's a bullshitter and who isn't. And without that natural determination of trust, then you can't really have a friend, can you?
I'm a caring person. At least I try to be. I like people, in general, but most of them now could fall off the earth and I doubt I would notice. When that happens, what is next for me? What does that make me? Like them (and her)? Just another self-serving egomaniac? I really hope not. My mother would kick my ass if I became like her. (And yes, Angela, she knows the whole story and trust me, you don't want her to get hold of your sorry ass either for trying to 'hurt her boy' (her words not mine.)
Nowadays it seems I have a lot of 'contacts' but few 'friends'. I've always been selective about who I call friend, so I've always had fewer than most, but I knew I could count on and trust (okay not ALL of them obviously, listening Angela?) them more so than other people with their friends. And I liked it that way. But now, now is a different story. Maybe that's from growing up, growing older and having a lot of children taking up most of my time, but maybe it's just due to the fleeting connections we have as people now.
And just think of my kids. What 'friends' will they have? What will they call a friend? Someone who replies to a text within a certain time? One who's on all your contact lists? Sadly I feel the personal connection is rapidly losing the battle against technology and with it goes our natural means of determining who's a bullshitter and who isn't. And without that natural determination of trust, then you can't really have a friend, can you?
Monday, September 17, 2007
An Open Letter to Angela
Dear Angela,
I know you won't ever read this, but who cares. I'm venting to your sorry ass anyway. I've never met such a superficial, trashy lying hypocrite in my entire life. How dare you think you can snipe at me through a text message and think I won't retaliate. Please, you've not been at this game long enough to know my anger. And I thought we were 'best friends'. You wouldn't know a best friend if you came up and bit you on that flat ass of yours. That lie there broke my from any feeling I had for you. Period. You got new friends who are just pitiful reminders of the fact that most of WNC is still redneck trash.
Let me break it down for you simply:
I knew you were lying about the cigarettes the minute you said they were Brett's. No one smokes those kinds of Camels I saw at your place and then goes to Marlboro MENTHOLS. Are you kidding me? I'm not an idiot.
Triple D's? I think not. My wife's a 40E and both your tiny ones put together wouldn't make one of hers. Quit fooling yourself.
Wanna talk about trust? Wanna know why I didn't bring you to my family? Because I knew you were nothing but trash and trouble from the minute you started hanging out with 'those people'. You became an entirely different, and completely TYPICAL person. And that made you less of who I knew and cared about. Much less.
Soulmates? When did soulmates run out the first time things didn't happen exactly as planned? I was sick and tired of catering to your sorry ass on Saturday which is why I didn't call or text you. Not to mention I was actually sick. Of course you blow up and think otherwise.
Boyfriends? Yeah I figured as much you skanky whore. I knew I wasn't the only one tagging that nasty gash of yours. Freaking skank. I don't know what's happened to you, but I liked the old Angela much, much better. This one is psychotic. Maybe it's a midlife crisis, maybe not. The only thing I know is, you're not you. You think you are, but you're not. And this new you is disgusting to me.
What's really sad is we spent 7 years as really good friends. Best friends at least from my point of view. And you barf it all up like a hairball. I don't get that, but then I don't get this 'new and Trashy you'. Personally, I stopped caring for you and about you a while back. And now that I've vented I can say this with utmost sincerity:
I know you won't ever read this, but who cares. I'm venting to your sorry ass anyway. I've never met such a superficial, trashy lying hypocrite in my entire life. How dare you think you can snipe at me through a text message and think I won't retaliate. Please, you've not been at this game long enough to know my anger. And I thought we were 'best friends'. You wouldn't know a best friend if you came up and bit you on that flat ass of yours. That lie there broke my from any feeling I had for you. Period. You got new friends who are just pitiful reminders of the fact that most of WNC is still redneck trash.
Let me break it down for you simply:
I knew you were lying about the cigarettes the minute you said they were Brett's. No one smokes those kinds of Camels I saw at your place and then goes to Marlboro MENTHOLS. Are you kidding me? I'm not an idiot.
Triple D's? I think not. My wife's a 40E and both your tiny ones put together wouldn't make one of hers. Quit fooling yourself.
Wanna talk about trust? Wanna know why I didn't bring you to my family? Because I knew you were nothing but trash and trouble from the minute you started hanging out with 'those people'. You became an entirely different, and completely TYPICAL person. And that made you less of who I knew and cared about. Much less.
Soulmates? When did soulmates run out the first time things didn't happen exactly as planned? I was sick and tired of catering to your sorry ass on Saturday which is why I didn't call or text you. Not to mention I was actually sick. Of course you blow up and think otherwise.
Boyfriends? Yeah I figured as much you skanky whore. I knew I wasn't the only one tagging that nasty gash of yours. Freaking skank. I don't know what's happened to you, but I liked the old Angela much, much better. This one is psychotic. Maybe it's a midlife crisis, maybe not. The only thing I know is, you're not you. You think you are, but you're not. And this new you is disgusting to me.
What's really sad is we spent 7 years as really good friends. Best friends at least from my point of view. And you barf it all up like a hairball. I don't get that, but then I don't get this 'new and Trashy you'. Personally, I stopped caring for you and about you a while back. And now that I've vented I can say this with utmost sincerity:
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Back again.
Well, maybe this time I can keep up with this thing. Most times I wait to get here when I'm really peeved about something and that's pointless. No one wants to hear me bitch about stuff. Fact, no one probably wants to hear me at all, but that's okay. It's my blog and my one concession to the 'social networking' craze. Facebook and Myspace can both die in my opinion. Oh, not for the reasons most would like, just because I think the concept silly. Anyway.
I figured for now I can talk about the one thing I know well, books. My passion besides all things geek. I love the smell of a room full of books almost more than anything else. Maybe I'm so used to the sterile tech world that old books keeps me grounded. Who knows. Bottom line is, I read constantly. If I'm not reading, I'm sleeping usually. I do watch some TV occasionally, thank god Dirty Jobs, Mythbusters and Doctor Who, but mostly it's books. All kinds. Well, romance novels all suck. But that's just me.
So, I just finished this great series by Harry Turledove. It starts with 'How Few Remain' and ends with 'In At the Death'. It's actually a series of series and I don't think the entire collection has one collective title. However, that's not the point. That is the fact that this was one of the best alternate history series I've ever seen, much less read. Consider this: The South (that's me and MY people!) win the Civil War. Simple enough premise, been done dozens of times with 'what ifs' about Pickett's Charge at Gettysburg and this, that and the other. But what happens after the war's over? Turtledove comes to some pretty plausible conclusions. I won't give away the plot, it's too much fun to read, but let's just say even I was shocked at how convincing (and obvious NOW) our past might have looked. I spent the better part of my adult life anxiously awaiting and reading these books. They are so well constructed and the characters so 'human' that at each turn you really are invested in their lives. When I finished 'In At the Death' last week I sat for a good hour and reflected on the series and how I will miss the characters I've spent a good amount of time reading about.
I've read a lot of books in my day (easily 10,000 and have 5,000 of them at home) and the times I've sat and felt like I lost a very good friend I can count on one hand. I was blown away by the entire series and in most cases my wife would have to scream bloody murder at me to get me to take out the trash while I was reading the latest one.
Mr. Turtledove, I applaud your tremendous series and I hope for several more from you real soon.
Tomorrow, I will probably talk more about the newest series I'm reading, 'The Saga of Seven Suns' by Kevin J. Anderson.
I figured for now I can talk about the one thing I know well, books. My passion besides all things geek. I love the smell of a room full of books almost more than anything else. Maybe I'm so used to the sterile tech world that old books keeps me grounded. Who knows. Bottom line is, I read constantly. If I'm not reading, I'm sleeping usually. I do watch some TV occasionally, thank god Dirty Jobs, Mythbusters and Doctor Who, but mostly it's books. All kinds. Well, romance novels all suck. But that's just me.
So, I just finished this great series by Harry Turledove. It starts with 'How Few Remain' and ends with 'In At the Death'. It's actually a series of series and I don't think the entire collection has one collective title. However, that's not the point. That is the fact that this was one of the best alternate history series I've ever seen, much less read. Consider this: The South (that's me and MY people!) win the Civil War. Simple enough premise, been done dozens of times with 'what ifs' about Pickett's Charge at Gettysburg and this, that and the other. But what happens after the war's over? Turtledove comes to some pretty plausible conclusions. I won't give away the plot, it's too much fun to read, but let's just say even I was shocked at how convincing (and obvious NOW) our past might have looked. I spent the better part of my adult life anxiously awaiting and reading these books. They are so well constructed and the characters so 'human' that at each turn you really are invested in their lives. When I finished 'In At the Death' last week I sat for a good hour and reflected on the series and how I will miss the characters I've spent a good amount of time reading about.
I've read a lot of books in my day (easily 10,000 and have 5,000 of them at home) and the times I've sat and felt like I lost a very good friend I can count on one hand. I was blown away by the entire series and in most cases my wife would have to scream bloody murder at me to get me to take out the trash while I was reading the latest one.
Mr. Turtledove, I applaud your tremendous series and I hope for several more from you real soon.
Tomorrow, I will probably talk more about the newest series I'm reading, 'The Saga of Seven Suns' by Kevin J. Anderson.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Wow, it's been a while.
Yep, it's been over a year. But does anyone care? Nah probably not. It's really not that big a deal to me, I've been very busy and haven't had time to write. Not to mention that I get cranky over stupidity and I don't like being cranky all the time. However, now is a good time to vent a few thoughts.
Virginia Tech. My alma mater. It's a horrible thing, but let's move on. The media is out of control, I should know I was there this weekend and a week after the fact, they still don't want to let the school get back to normal. On Saturday for my reaction to the whole thing. I pretty told them all to sod off and let the students have their time. None listened, obviously.
Nancy Grace. On Monday, that bitch pissed me off so badly over her attitude, I am still almost speechless. Her condescending 'I WANT ANSWERS!' was too much for me. Someone please take that psycho bitch off my TV. Just for the record, you idiot, WE ALL WANTED ANSWERS! Who the bloody hell do you think you are to make such demands? Jesus Christ. Of course, my very well written and logical complaint to her on CNN's site was promptly stuck in /dev/null, but that's okay. I got it off my chest and I'm over it. She'll never catch me watching her face again. Idiot.
Ah well. It's funny how things in America are falling totally to hell and no one here seems to care. Go figure.
Virginia Tech. My alma mater. It's a horrible thing, but let's move on. The media is out of control, I should know I was there this weekend and a week after the fact, they still don't want to let the school get back to normal. On Saturday for my reaction to the whole thing. I pretty told them all to sod off and let the students have their time. None listened, obviously.
Nancy Grace. On Monday, that bitch pissed me off so badly over her attitude, I am still almost speechless. Her condescending 'I WANT ANSWERS!' was too much for me. Someone please take that psycho bitch off my TV. Just for the record, you idiot, WE ALL WANTED ANSWERS! Who the bloody hell do you think you are to make such demands? Jesus Christ. Of course, my very well written and logical complaint to her on CNN's site was promptly stuck in /dev/null, but that's okay. I got it off my chest and I'm over it. She'll never catch me watching her face again. Idiot.
Ah well. It's funny how things in America are falling totally to hell and no one here seems to care. Go figure.
Wow, it's been a while.
Yep, it's been over a year. But does anyone care? Nah probably not. It's really not that big a deal to me, I've been very busy and haven't had time to write. Not to mention that I get cranky over stupidity and I don't like being cranky all the time. However, now is a good time to vent a few thoughts.
Virginia Tech. My alma mater. It's a horrible thing, but let's move on. The media is out of control, I should know I was there this weekend and a week after the fact, they still don't want to let the school get back to normal. On Saturday for my reaction to the whole thing. I pretty told them all to sod off and let the students have their time. None listened, obviously.
Nancy Grace. On Monday, that bitch pissed me off so badly over her attitude, I am still almost speechless. Her condescending 'I WANT ANSWERS!' was too much for me. Someone please take that psycho bitch off my TV. Just for the record, you idiot, WE ALL WANTED ANSWERS! Who the bloody hell do you think you are to make such demands? Jesus Christ. Of course, my very well written and logical complaint to her on CNN's site was promptly stuck in /dev/null, but that's okay. I got it off my chest and I'm over it. She'll never catch me watching her face again. Idiot.
Ah well. It's funny how things in America are falling totally to hell and no one here seems to care. Go figure.
Virginia Tech. My alma mater. It's a horrible thing, but let's move on. The media is out of control, I should know I was there this weekend and a week after the fact, they still don't want to let the school get back to normal. On Saturday for my reaction to the whole thing. I pretty told them all to sod off and let the students have their time. None listened, obviously.
Nancy Grace. On Monday, that bitch pissed me off so badly over her attitude, I am still almost speechless. Her condescending 'I WANT ANSWERS!' was too much for me. Someone please take that psycho bitch off my TV. Just for the record, you idiot, WE ALL WANTED ANSWERS! Who the bloody hell do you think you are to make such demands? Jesus Christ. Of course, my very well written and logical complaint to her on CNN's site was promptly stuck in /dev/null, but that's okay. I got it off my chest and I'm over it. She'll never catch me watching her face again. Idiot.
Ah well. It's funny how things in America are falling totally to hell and no one here seems to care. Go figure.
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