Thursday, May 19, 2005

What is the world coming to.....

The end is, not really. My first blog post. The world really is ending when I cave and get my own blog. Normally, I just bitch and moan to the voices in my head. But why not share my insanity with the rest of the universe? And because I'm a first rate lame-o here's a little about me.

I'm 32 years old with 4 kids, all girls and I'm a Network Engineer that's soon to be working on the coolest gig in the world, managing an Internet2 node in North Carolina. Can't wait to pull down my pirated movies in less than 10 seconds!

As for what I like to do, actually, I'm boring as hell. I love to read and collect books, I have 4,000 and counting. I am an amateur historian specializing in Roman History, specifically the time period of 1st century BC to about 60 AD. Other than that, I watch a little TV (love 'HOUSE' it rocks) and mostly enjoy British humor, BlackAdder, MontyPython, etc. And that's about it....

I intend to use this area only for my own personal bitch session and rants on all kinds of things. Read it or not. It's your bandwidth. Pax vobiscum.


Roy said...

Watch out this becomes extremely addicting very quickly.

Nothing boring about the Roman Empire unless of course you compare the Romans to the Greeks. The art, culture and politics of the Romans were mainly Greek concepts. The arch was a significant contribution and the Romans were around much longer. Still I would rather read Greek literature than Roman literature (although I do enjoy M.A meditations).

Rome used to appeal more to me I think, because the architecture remains throughout Europe.

Unknown said...

Well addicting or it's a good way for me to vent my frustrations when I can't get to my drumset.

And I will agree with you that the Greeks were definitely the authors of much Roman civilization, but without the arch (and you forgot the wonder of all wonders - concrete) where would we be. I am actually teaching myself Greek because a lot of the literature I read on the subject (Gibbon mostly) have lots of Greek text that I have to spend hours translating. I just finished a book called The End of Ancient Civilization by Ferdinand Lot that is very informative on the state of the Late Empire.

And by the way, thanks for being my first comment. I had no clue I'd see any kind of response this fast or at all.